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Mallet Family Papers III. Papers of Sir Louis Mallet (1823-1890)

* This list is a draft (June 2015). Reference numbers will remain as they are in this list, but descriptions are subject to changes and additions. As yet there are not more detailed descriptions of files in this collection; they will appear as soon as they are created.*

Mainly official papers and correspondence relating to Sir Louis Mallet's service at the Board of Trade 1847-1872 and at the India Office 1872-1883. The main subjects are: free trade and commercial negotiations with France and other countries; India; and currency and bimetallism.

III.1 box containing printed government papers and some correspondence about Anglo-French trade 1826-1877.

III.2.a Austrian Tariff Commission correspondence 1865 and a memorandum of 1866

III.2.b Printed memoranda on free trade policy 1855, on state of business in Commercial Department of Board of Trade 1870-871 and on Consular Conventions 1868

III.3.a printed correspondence on negotiating a commercial treaty with Belgium 1860-1862

III.3.b Printed and other correspondence on the German Zollverein treaty with France, etc 1862-1864

III.3.c Correspondence about trade with Spain 863 and a paper on a commercial treaty 1870, and on the customs tariff 1877.

III.3.d Draft treaty of Commerce with Russia 1857 and correspondence about tariff revision in 1867

III.3.e Draft treaty of commerce with Austria 1862. Correspondence and Protocols of 1866-1867

III.3.f Draft treaty of commerce with Portugal 1867

III.3.g White papers on Treaty with USA 1842-1843 and on war claims 1867. Proposed consular convention 1853.

III.3.h Correspondence re negotiation of a commercial treaty with Italy 1862-1863

III.3.i illegible on copy

III.4.a correspondence 1869

III.4.b correspondence 1870

III.4.c printed papers re sugar duties 1872

III.4.d printed papers re wine duties 1872, 1879

III.4.e 17 bundles of letters between Louis Mallet and various correspondence 1867

III.4.f letters between Louis Mallet and various correspondence 1848-1855

III.4.g 2 letters with envelope from Baron Gagern 1869

III.5 Printed papers 1842-1847, re famine in Ireland and other Irish problems

III.6 Correspondence 1860-1871

III.7 correspondence re French Treaty 1877

III.8  67 letters from Cobden to Louis Mallet 1860-1865; 2 copies of letters from Cobden 1844 and 1855;  letter from Bright to Louis Mallet

III.9 Papers re the Sugar Industry 1879

III.10 correspondence between Louis Mallet and Sir Stafford Northcote re wine duties 1877

III.11 correspondence between Louis Mallet and the Foreign Office re French Treaty, Wine Duties etc 1879-1880

III.12 2 letters from Lord Granville, 1879

III.13 Pamphlets – Cobden etc

III.13a Volume from Board of Trade Library ‘Memoranda – Mr Bowring and Mr Mallet’

III.14 bound volume ‘ Sir Louis Mallet: Memoranda’ indexed with 60 printed memoranda, mostly re India 1874-1877

III.15 Press cuttings 1875-1882

III.16 memoranda and minutes, mostly printed, re Indian affairs and those of neighbouring countries 1872-1883

III.17 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India, 1875 (Lord Northbrook, Lord Hobart, Mr Hume, Mr Rivett-Carnac, Sir W Muir)

III.18 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India, 1876. (Col. Burne, Sir G Couper, Mr Hobhouse, Lord Lytton, Sir W Muir, Sir J Strachey, Sir R Semple, Mr UA Turner, Sir P Wodehouse)

III.19 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India, January – July 1877. (Sir P Wodehouse, Mr CA Turner, Sir J Strachey, Mr Sorabjee B Bengallee, Mr DH Chornton, Sir G Couper, Sir E Johnson)

III.20 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India, Aug-Dec 1877 (Sir J Strachey, General Strachey, Col. Burne, Mr Ashley Eden)

III.21 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India 1878 (CA Turner, Sir R Temple, Gen Strachey, Sir J Strachey, Mr WJ Pedder, Mr Bernard)

III.22 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India 1879 (Mr Caird, Sir G Couper, Mr JC Hope, Lord Lytton, Sir J Strachey, Gen Strachey, Sir R Temple)

III.23 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India 1880 (Sir J Strachey, Lord Ripon, JC Hope, Sir G Couper)

III.24 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India 1881 (Sir S Bayley, Mr JC Hope, Col Chesney, Sir A Eden)

III.25  Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India Jan – June 1882 (Mr JC Hope, Sir S Bayley)

III.26 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India July to December 1882 (Mr JC Hope, Mr Grant Duff)

III.27 Letters to Louis Mallet from official correspondents in India 1883 (Mr Cottrell Tupp, Dr W Hunter, Mr A Howell, Mr JC Hope, Col. Chesney). 32 items.

III.28 Letters to Louis Mallet from Lord Hartington 1880-1882. 63 items.

III.29 Letters to Louis Mallet from Lord Kimberly 1882-1883. 25 items.

III.30 Letters to Louis Mallet from Lord Ripon 188-1882. 6 items.

III.31 Letters to Louis Mallet from Lord Cranbrook 1878-1880. 23 items.

III.32 Letters to Louis Mallet from Lord Carnarvon 1877, Lord Lansdowne 1880, Mr J Morley 1880. 8 items.

III.33 39 letters to Louis Mallet from Miss Florence Nightingale 1875-1883 These items have been photographed and images are available to researchers on request.

  • III.33.01 13 June 1878 Deccan Riots. Requests a copy of the Deccan Riots Report. 1 leaf.
  • III.33.02a 13 August 1878 FN article in XIX Century. Sending Louis Mallet a copy of her paper for XIX Century for critical comment. 1 leaf
  • III.33.02b 13 August 1878 FN article in XIX Century. Sending Louis Mallet a copy of her paper for XIX Century for critical comment ‘by this afternoon’s post’. 1 leaf
  • III.33.03 Void
  • III.33.04 28 August 1878 Deccan Riots. 3 leaves
  • III.33.05 17 January 1879 Famine Mortality. 2 leaves
  • III.33.06 10 January 1879 Famine – Madras. 1 leaf
  • III.33.07 21 January 1878 Famine Reports. 2 leaves
  • III.33.08 10 August 1878 FN article in XIX Century. Cover slip only
  • III.33.09 20 May 1878 Condition of India. 1 leaf
  • III.33.10 23 August 1878 FN research. Louis Mallet’s draft reply to FN letter requesting source material re land tenure, riots, agricultural methods, administrative structures and population nutrition in India. 1 leaf
  • III.33.11 ND Agricultural Improvement in India. Especially irrigation. ND, missing first page. 2 leaves
  • III.33.12 11 June 1878 FN research. Expressing interest in Louis Mallet’s recent paper on ‘Survey Settlement, Madras’. 1 leaf
  • III.33.13 11 March 1878 Land & water schedules – Mr Prinsep. Explaining and enclosing no.29. p.1 of no.11. Evidently out of place for some time – folded similarly but worn much more than the rest of 11.
  • III.33.14 11 May 1878 Social reform – England. Offprint of FN article in Social Notes concerning social reforms, social requirements, social progress. Directing Editor SC Hall FSA: ‘Who is the savage?’ 1 leaf
  • III.33.15 04 and 11 January 1879 Famine Mortality, Mr Prinsep’s Irrigation forms. 8 leaves
  • III.33.16 12 July 1879 Irrigation. Explanatory remarks for something about irrigation. 1 leaf
  • III.33.17 18 February 1879 Famine Mortality. Miss Nightingale on Famine Mortality and Mr Stanhope’s rejoinder. Leaves strung together
  • III.33.18 05 August 1878 Deccan Riots Report. 3 leaves
  • III.33.19 15 July 1878 Deccan Riots Report. FN requests loan of Appendixes of Deccan Riots Commission. 1 leaf
  • III.33.20 27 October 1875 Irrigation Finance Accounts. Comment on lack of receipt of information!
  • III.33.21 25 February 1879 Condition of India. 2 leaves
  • III.33.22 12 March 1879 Famine Mortality – Mr Caird’s Figures . 2nd leaf of 2 only, starting with point 5.
  • III.33.23 10 August 1878 FN article in XIX Century. FN requests comments, answers to queries and sending printed sources for her paper in XIX Century. Completes 8.
  • III.33.24 01 December 1879 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill, Irrigation. Asking for updates and information on progress of Bengal Rent Law and Irrigation & Revenue Statistics issues
  • III.33.25 23 February 1880 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 2 leaves
  • III.33.26 10 January 1878 Famine figures – Madras . 1 leaf
  • III.33.27a 12 March 1879 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 3 leaves
  • III.33.27b 03 April 1879 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 3 leaves
  • III.33.27c 07 April 1879 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 6 leaves
  • III.33.27d 31 May 1879 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill, Famine Mortality . 6 leaves
  • III.33.27e 07 July 1879 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 3 leaves
  • III.33.27f 12 July 1879 Deccan Money Lenders. 3 leaves
  • III.33.28a 20 January 1879 Madras Famine Mortality.
  • III.33.28b 27 January 1879 Madras Famine Mortality.
  • III.33.28c 15 February 1879 Madras Famine Mortality.
  • III.33.29 ND Agricultural Improvement in India. Blank sample form of ‘Synopsis showing statistics of area, resources, irrigation and revenue’ for completion and submission to England by district administrators. 1 copy each of schedules A-D. Only A has been digitised; the others are similar.
  • III.33.30a 05 February 1881 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill.
  • III.33.30b 14 July 1881 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill.
  • III.33.30c 12 December 1881 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill.
  • III.33.30d 31 July 1881 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill.
  • III.33.30e 03 August 1882 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill.
  • III.33.31 18 August 1881 Training of Candidates for Indian Civil Service.
  • III.33.32 23 February 1880 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. Cover slip for a letter re Bengal Rent Law
  • III.33.32a 25 February 1880 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill.
  • III.33.32b 6 May 1880 Agricultural Improvement in India.
  • III.33.32c 9 December 1881 Agricultural Improvement in India.
  • III.33.33 January – February 1882 Agricultural Department. Several letters strung together and pages numbered in sequence across letters. 1 letter not on the string, of 10 February 1882. 13 leaves
  • III.33.34a 25 January 1882 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 5 leaves.
  • III.33.34b 11 February 1882 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. Letter from Louis Mallet to Lord Hartington. 2 leaves.
  • III.33.34c 13 February 1882 Bengal Revised Rent Law Bill. 3 leaves.

III.34 3 papers ‘Bimetallism’, undated

III.35 Printed papers, pamphlets and some letters ‘Silver question’ 1876

III.36 Letters from Mr H Gibbs, Bank of England, 1876

III.37 Printed report on International Monetary Conference 1876.

III.38 Letters between Louis Mallet and Mr TH Farrer ‘Currency’ 1879

III.39 Printed papers and letters from Louis Mallet in Paris etc, relating to the International Monetary Conference 1881

II.40 Letters from Louis Mallet , Lord Reay and others on the monetary negotiations, 1882

III.41 Letters from Louis Mallet from Mr H Gibbs 1887-1888

III.42 Unsorted correspondence of Louis Mallet, mostly about currency and bimetallism, with Mr DH Farrar and others, after retirement 1885-1888

III.43 private letters to Louis Mallet from Eugene Colladon etc, Geneva

III.44 miscellaneous letters

III.45 Letters left by Louis Mallet at his death in 1890 – general advice to his sons.

III.46 The Times leader on Louis Mallet’s retirement from the India Office and a summary of his life (?by Bernard Mallet)

III.47 Book ‘Sir Louis Mallet’ by Bernard Mallet

-end of section-

I. Papers of Jacques (James) Mallet du Pan (1749-1800)
II. Papers of Jean Louis Etienne (John Lewis) Mallet (1775-1861)
III. Papers of Sir Louis Mallet (1823-1890)
IV. Papers of Sir Louis du Pan Mallet GCMG (1864-1936) and other members of the Mallet family
V. Papers of Marie Constance Mallet née Adeane (1861-1934)
VI. Papers of Sir Bernard Mallet, KCB (1859-1932)


- Anna Sander

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